10 Things To Do While In Isolation Due To Coronavirus

Everyone has been affected in one way or the other by the Coronavirus pandemic. From Wuhan China to the streets of Rome, over the Atlantic ocean to the Americas. Everyone is involved. The rich and the poor, the good and the bad, the leaders and the people. No one has been proven to be immune to the virus. 

In the face of this ever growing pandemic, we've all been instructed to stay at home and isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. We've been told to practice social distancing. Schools are closed, businesses are closed save for the essentials. The streets, parks and recreational centres are empty as we're all trying to stop the spread of the virus.

A lot of us aren't used to being at home for such a long period of time and as a result, may find this 'stay at home' order a bit daunting. Well, here are ten things you could do while at home, written in no particular order.

1. Reconnect with family/loved ones

As a result of our jobs, academic work, and whatever it is that keeps the vast majority of us busy and out of our homes, we tend to spend less time with the people who matter so much to us. Our family or loved ones. We work plenty hours, we're at colleges far away from the family. We're all so busy. That has changed in the recent days. We've suddenly been given freedom. The time to kick back and relax with the ones we love. We should take full advantage of that while we have this moment. Play family games, watch reruns of shows together, have meals together. Do all that one big family thing we all see in the movies.

2. Start playing a game

This sudden large amount of free time we have can be somewhat frustrating especially if you live alone. You've got nothing to do or you're tired of doing the things you've been doing over and over again. Well, there's hope for you. We all have gadgets and they can be very helpful in times like this.
One thing you could do now is to start playing a new game, online or offline. You could play it on your phone, on your laptop on your console if you've got one. It would not only keep you busy but it would also connect you with other players around the world so although you're social distancing physically, you're still connected to the rest of the world.

3. Start a new workout routine if you don't have one

A lot of us may have thought about working out or going to the gym or just doing a couple of exercises but we usually don't have the time for that. Now we do. With plenty of free time on your hands you can finally make it a reality.
There are so many websites and apps that could help you create a workout routine just for you. Ranging from simple squats or push-ups to the more complex routines.
Check out: https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ for extra information on workouts you could try.

4. Make or Watch tiktok videos

Tiktok videos have been making waves all over the globe way before the Coronavirus but there seems to have been an increase in the number of videos made using tiktok. I think we all know why. Don't we? Everyone's bored and looking to kill time so what do we do? We download tiktok and make lots of videos. Tiktok offers a lot of filters, effects, transitions and other features for video creators. There are also a lot of funny and amazing videos put up by other people so if you aren't the creative type or you just don't want to be in the eye of the public, you could spend a lot of time watching their videos. Try it out today.

5. Quarantine and Chill

Yes people!!!! We're stuck at home with our favorite TV shows, movies and a not so busy schedule. Bring out the popcorn and booze let's binge watch!
Remember how you used to fantasize at work about just having nothing to do all day except relaxing on the couch watching reruns of your favorite shows? Now is the time.  
Open up your Netflix or whatever platform you use to stream movies, pickout the favorites, I'll order pizza!

6. Catch up on your reading

For those of you not really interested in Tv shows and movies or social media, there's another great way to spend your time. Reading. Thanks to technology, we have platforms designed to supply us with vasts amounts of books on various subjects for free or for a small fee. Unlimited access to your favorite crime novels or bestseller romance novels. The best part? You can spend all day reading your favorite books without worrying about what your boss would say or when you have to resume work.
So why don't you bring out that rocker chair, sit down with a book in one hand, a cup of green tea in the other and read to your heart's content.

7. Do Yoga

We are all familiar with both terms. Meditation and Yoga.
According to emedicinehealth.com, Yoga is a systematic practice of physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, diet control, and positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind, and environment.
The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome. Yoga can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia. It helps a person manage stress, which is known to have devastating effects on the body and mind. Yoga’s incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve a person’s mental well-being. Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns; relaxes the mind; centers attention; and sharpens concentration.
Are you interested? Visit: https://www.yogajournal.com/meditation/let-s-meditate or https://poweryoga.com/blog/benefits-and-differences-yoga-meditation/ and begin your yoga journey today.

8. Participate in the #Stayathomechallenge
There's been a growing trend on social media. It's called the stay at home challenge. Basically, it's people doing really funny or amazing things at home. You know the best part? Anyone can participate. So what are you waiting for? If you've got some amazing talents or skills or you've got some funny idea you want to share to world, now's a really good time to show yourself to the world using the hashtag. You can share your videos on Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform.

9. Eat, drink, sleep

I don't think there would be any need to further discuss this point. Ha! It's pretty self-explanatory. You eat a lot of healthy food, drink plenty of water and less alcohol or caffeinated drinks and you get a lot of sleep. Try to make up for all the times you worked late into the night or all the times you burned the proverbial night candle for a test or an exam. Get those hours of much needed sleep and get your body and your brain functioning at max capacity.

10. Play with your pets

Remember scenes from The Secret Life of Pets? Judging from those scenes in the movie, it's safe to assume that our pets tend to miss us as we leave them at home to go to work or school. That's why when we get home, they rush out to greet us with tails wagging if you're a dog lover.
Want to know a secret? Our pets are happy that their human best friends are now staying home. You know what that means? More playtime, more treats and more hand rubs.
What to do? Take care of your pets and show them a lot of love.

That's all folks. If you've got some more things that you could possibly do, please don't hesitate to share it in the comments section.

Stay safe, stay indoors.
