Letters to Her

I lay daily on my bed
With your image playing in my head
What was happening, I could not tell
The walls I built, they crumbled and fell
I have loved before, but not like this
You bring me joy, you bring me peace
I long for you, your touch and kiss
It is you I want and you I miss
Your lips and your eyes, they capture me
Beside you, there is no place I’d rather be
I have tried to but I cannot stop the feeling
It is you, you are the part that I’m missing
Your voice echoes in my sleep
Tried to, but I just can’t get a grip
On what I feel about you
My wish, I hope you feel it too

I hope this letter gets to you
Look closely and you will see what I feel for you
Open your heart and let me in
Vade Mecum, promise you won’t leave my side
Every day, I long to see you
You are in my thoughts and in my mind
Our love would grow and be strong
United, our lips would sing this song
Ad Infinitum, our love would be
Deeper than the oceans and the sea
As I write, it occurs to me
Now I know it is love I feel
Each line I write tells me it is true
Can’t escape it, all I want is you
Here beside me, together me and you
I lay on my bed writing this letter
Pour my heart in every word and every letter
Our bond is strong and nothing can sever
We’ll live happily ever after….
