The Girl I loved.

She was all I ever wanted but it wasn’t meant to be
Being we was all I ever wanted but we were never meant to be
Although I tried to win her over
Day by day as I got older
I began thinking it was a dead end
I’d always and forever remain just a friend
I was lost in love for her
I was earth and she was my morning star
I didn’t always see her in my dream
And couldn’t always meet her by the stream
Yet her smile never lost its beam
And with her, we’d always make a great team
I couldn’t resist her
Like a dog chasing biscuits I’d chase after her

All hope was gone or was it?
Just one try left, I’d risk it
I make hay while the sun shines
I go home, write the best lines
I get in my truck, I’m going over
I’m trying my luck, around me it’s much hotter
Park right outside, I’m going in
Everywhere is so quiet I couldn’t hear a thing
Except my beating heart that drummed so loud
I myself, thought it was drums of a crowd
Then I reached it, I knocked on her door
I looked at the ceiling and looked at the floor
I started rehearsing what I was here for
I was afraid of the fact, she was rich I was poor

I heard noises, someone was coming
Each foot, one at a time thumping
The doorknob turned, the door a little open
Please be her, I was hoping
Then I saw her hair
Followed by her face, bright and fair
My heart hurried and raced
My emotions scurried and paced
Our eyes met though briefly
I felt a surge so quickly
I was prepared for this moment
Or so I thought
She looked so God-sent
For her, many wars I would have fought
She stood in a simple dress
All pretty and flawless
I tried to recall all I wrote
No use, it came to me as blurred lines
Couldn’t go down like this
My last stand wouldn’t end like this
I picked up my courage
Skipped the intro page
Looked her in the eye
I could probably for her die
Didn’t know what to say
Lost in her eyes, I could stand there till May
Finally, mustering all my strength
I said with true passion
I love you
She stared at me, shock in her eyes
Just immediately, I felt a hand on my face
Too sudden to comprehend
Then it all came to me
It was a slap
She slapped me
Alas it wasn’t meant to be

I turned to go
My hopes dashed, my head hung low
My world crumbled
My steps doubled
I dashed to my truck
Guess I had run out of luck
But wait, I heard small running steps behind
No! I had to push such thoughts out of my mind
All hope was lost
Buried deep within the earth’s crust
Still the steps got closer
Taking a leap of faith, I turned
I was a whole lot confused
But I didn’t say a thing
She was running towards me
Tears fell from her eyes
Then she hugged me
She hugged me
I didn’t move
She looked up at me
Our eyes met
Our lips joined
It’s hard to describe what I felt
The universe had smiled on me
Our lips parted and still looking at me she said
I love you too……
