Everyone's talking about each other 

Never doing anything to change their own lives

The media filled with fake news

Politicians telling us lies

We can feel a lot of emotions

Anger, contempt, hate

Everyone's shouting they're hurt

But the victims are quiet

We can't even relate

Pain, anger and depression

Hunger, war, recession

We're killing each other,

We're killing our planet.

We're building new missiles, 

Testing new rockets

Rape, pedophilia, suicide,

All hidden atrocities brought to light

The living, the dead, all guilty

The earth mourns,

Daily we scratch at her beauty

* Lone_Wolf_Poetry *

It's all for profit, no one cares

Greed, power, authority

Less good motives, evil incentives

No one cares;

We cry, no one hears.

The kids they say, are our future

But when they're grown,

We keep them sidelined

Spend all their time playing college

Or taken and put behind enemy lines

Everyday we donate to charity

To orphans and veterans they claim

So please can you give me some clarity?

Tell me, why does it all feel the same?

Black iives matter, we all scream it

But we walk on the streets and the cops ignore it

"He's guilty" they say, he looks like it

And what does guilt look like?

We've gone too far down this road

New sins have become stale and old

We need a purge, a major cleansing

Let us hope we're not too late;

That we can still have redemption.
