The Wolf Writer #1

Hey... It'll be okay.
You lost a lot of people cause of him... Alright, shit happens.
Now he's gone... Fuck him.

You're one of a kind. You're special, nice, sweet, caring... You're one of the nicest people I know.

You don't need him to be happy... You were doing just fine before you met him and you'd do even better now that he's gone.

You owe it to yourself to be happy. Show him you can be better without his lying ass.
Show him he doesn't have control over you or your emotions anymore.

It's going to be difficult but I'd be here cheering you on. Whenever it gets hard and it feels like your breaking, just remember that you've got a supporter even though he's a million miles away.

Like I said, we're gonna figure this shit out together.
If you're drowning, I'm drowning with you.
If you're standing, I'm standing with you.
If you're crying, I'm crying with you.
If you're happy, I'm happy with you...

We're gonna make the most out of this.
Promise me you will...
