The Wolf Writer #4: Dealing With An Ex Who Keeps Coming Back

You know what I think? I might be wrong but they know how attached you are and they're exploiting it.
You're clinging to them cause they're like a beacon of hope...

I'm not saying you shouldn't cherish the good times you had with them. I'm just saying you shouldn't let the 'good times' in the past stop you from having new adventures and creating new stories.

I think you should establish clear boundaries.

Y'all are friends now and not in a relationship so they shouldn't come around acting like they're all loving, sincere and innocent.

They had their chance, they blew it...

They're basically just thinking about themselves and not thinking about you, how you're affected or how you're surviving...
It's all about them. They toy with your mind by saying they would give up anything for your friendship.
They just want to keep you around...they know they've got you hooked and it's a bit obvious you can't do without them just yet so they'd like to keep it that way.

Basically these are just my opinions. Whatever decision you make should be for you and by you..

But whatever choice you make, to stay or to go, to be friends or to cut them off completely, Make a choice that benefits you and makes you happy.

You've got the power, you're the one in control... They're not.
It's not easy... I know it isn't but you shouldn't let them have so much control over your thoughts or emotions or your life. They don't deserve it.

Truth is, I know how you feel. I know what you're going through.
Not all of it anyway but I know what it's like to have your heart broken and still be in love with someone.

Overtime the feelings fade away and become the past.
